Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Your Law Firm Website
Search Engine Optimization, or “SEO”, moves a legal website to the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing search results. SEO is a set of accepted business techniques used to boost website’s rankings on these searches. Most users skim through the first page of results and ignore the rest unless they’re already looking for a specific page, which makes this technique of the utmost importance when a law firm is newly established. Search engine optimization poses no risks to potential clients when done by trained professionals. Some law firms have contracted foreign companies which spam websites with links and keywords. Search engines have caught on and penalize websites which use such tactics. Our company uses ethical techniques to boost attorney websites to the top of the front page, not warrant blacklisting them on the tenth. Our company promises to maintain the highest standards when optimizing any law firm’s webpage. Keyword Selection Keywords enable customers to locate web pages through a search engine, like “Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer.” Choosing pertinent keywords that interested customers will type is crucial to a law firm website’s success. Tailoring these keywords to a legal professional’s area of expertise will draw the right clientele and quickly. The process is time consuming and many law firms prefer focusing their time on cases instead. Our clients expect a detailed keyword selection process, much like the research process of a legal professional.
We at Lawyer Website Design have established search engine optimization as a large part of our company. Over the past decade, we’ve grown from knowing little to nothing about web design, to now being experts on the subject. No one knew anything about search engine marketing when it first began, so the only thing to do was extensive trial and error. After years of experiencing first hand what works and what doesn’t, and adapting to the many changes this industry is subjected to, we feel confident in our knowledge of SEO, and are interested in bringing that know-how to you. If you’d like to read even more about search engine optimization, take a look at our SEM site all about the subject. It’s got everything you could possibly want to know about optimizing your website for the search engines.
Efficient Law Firm Website Coding
Coding keywords into the website of a lawyer raises it through the ranks of search engines. Organizing site maps, directories and optimizing site navigation and META-tagging are best completed during the initial design phase. Although web crawlers must notice a website to wrangle new clientele, lawyers need humans to read their website as well. A mix of human visitors and robots guarantees the legal professional will achieve the maximum profitability through their website. Content is king on the web; provide us with information and our design team will do the rest.
Heightening Visibility Through Content Optimization
Photographs, video and pertinent information draw web users to an attorney’s website once they’ve found the site. Web content reflects upon the lawyer’s reputation as a whole. Featuring high quality photography, slide shows and news clips tell the reader that a firm is active and well respected. That bond of trust plays into their decision when choosing legal representation. Our SEO team has experience creating and editing content to ensure the maximum number of views are acquired without trading professionalism or navigability in the process.
Sending Links to Legal News Sites and Blogs
Linking a website to an existing legal network increases the page views and page ranking of a start-up site. Search engines account for a significant amount of traffic, but links from other sites boost page views as well. A law firm website with links on heavily trafficked sites rises through the rankings because search engines mark a well-connected page as popular and more useful to its users. Links to authoritative legal web pages or networking sites promote sites through the rankings as opposed to blacklisted spam sites.
Tracking the SEO Campaign of a Start-Up Law Firm
Measuring the results shows clients results in a substantial way, and help our company manage the campaign more effectively. Looking through the SEO marketing reports tells us the number of visitors, the times of peak traffic, hourly reports and the information of visitors to your legal professional web site and ensure that we’re reaching the correct demographics.
Read this article for more information on search engine optimization.