Our company’s search engine optimization specialists use programs to measure, collect and analysis internet data to understand and optimize traffic to their web page. Internet professionals, like the search engine optimization team at Lawyer Website Design, commonly refer to these programs as web analytics.
Web analytics isn’t limited to counting a web site’s visitors; the software has business research and market research applications as well. Web analysis applications can also measure the effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns. The data these programs collect can estimate how much the launch of a printed advertising campaign affected traffic to the website. Depending on what software a web designer picks, web analytics can show the amount of visitors, page views and bounce rate to gauge the traffic and popularity of specific web pages, which helps with market research.
The programs are categorized by two types: off-site and on-site.
Off-site programs can analyze and measure websites regardless of whether the user owns them. That includes measuring a website’s potential audience, search engine visibility, and comments relevant to the website internet wide. Information regarding a competing company’s web presence plays into marketing strategies because it pinpoints which websites are effectively reaching the potential customers.
On-site web analytics measures a visitor’s usage of websites which an administrator owns. Web analytics software measures where users enter and exit the webpage and how much time visitors spend on each page. That information will tells the search engine optimization team which web pages the user sees before contacting the legal professional. Lawyer Website Design’s search engine optimization performance analysis team knows movement patterns like these show which pages lead potential clients to contact the lawyer. The Lawyer Website Design content writing team can look over the pages and provide insight into what style or slogans affect the customer positively or write similar articles for the web page.
Web Analytics vs. Marketing Analytics
It’s becoming common practice for websites to use two or more analytics platforms on their website. Most use a web analytics service like Google analytics, that shows the online facts like the number of times your page has been loaded, number of views per page during each visit, and how much time a visitor spends on your site. These are all useful facts for seeing the traffic of your website. However, marketing analytics go further to measure things relevant to your business by including information from all different sources, including email, social media, and even offline events that you take into account. Rather than simply understand how much attention your website is getting, you can easily compare your marketing strategies and see which are more successful in traffic, leads, and sales.
Key Definitions
Page view – A request for a file whose type is defined as a page in log analysis. An occurrence of the script being run in page tagging. In log analysis, a single page view may generate multiple hits as all the resources required to view the page (images, .js and .css files) are also requested from the web server.
Visit / Session – A visit is when a specific users visits multiple pages on a given website without 30 minutes lapsing between each page view. A session is like a page view, except the user views several pages without going to another site during the half hour.
Bounce Rate – The bounce rate is the percentage of users that enter and exit from the same page without viewing any of the website’s content.